14 Jun Study Suggests That Cannabis Could Destroy Cancerous Tumours
Marijuana is one of those drugs that proponents genuinely seem to think is capable of anything. It’s hardly a mystery why. After all, anything that helps you chill out and relax at the end of a long day is a good thing in my book, and the struggle to legalise the drug has been hard-fought by those who believe it to be ultimately harmless. Despite all that, it’s clear that there are a number of health benefits that come hand-in-hand with moderate cannabis use, as well as a number of disadvantages.
Those in favour claim that cannabis can help with anxiety, improve creativity, vanquish Alzheimers and is ultimately far safer to use than alcohol. On the other hand, detractors claim that it leads to an increased heart rate, feelings of anxiety and paranoia, breathing and respiratory problems, and can negatively effect other, existing mental health problems.
It seems like everyone has a different opinion on the medical properties of this plant. I can’t think of another herb that gets this much press; can you? Nobody I know stays up all night discussing whether or not we should ban coriander, or whether thyme is capable of preventing stomach ulcers. Personally I think marijuana should be legalised, but I can’t imagine that the debate will be settled anytime soon.
However, this week scientists might well have discovered something that will finally and conclusively put the issue to rest. Apparently may cannabis actually be capable of destroying cancerous tumours. Has the long-disparaged weed managed to solve the biggest global health crisis in the first world?
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