13 Oct Study Has Proven That People Who Struggle To Get Out Of Bed Are More Intelligent
I have never been a morning person. According to my family, I’d even get up in the middle of the night to play with my toys as a kid. My mom was worried about me getting into trouble, so she had no option but to strap me into my pushchair.
My late-night games meant that getting out of bed was a struggle from an early age, and I realized just how much of a night owl I was when I got my first job and couldn’t stay awake during my early morning shifts. Getting up before 7am is not the life for me.
To put how much I hate getting out of bed into context, I deliberately moved into an apartment within walking distance of my office so that I could get an extra half an hour in bed. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t help myself from staying up late.
But it’s now emerged that people who struggle to get out of bed are more intelligent. So the next time your alarm goes off, sending your heart racing, and causing you to sigh as you reluctantly drag yourself out of bed, you can take comfort in this newfound knowledge.
In fact, us night owls can enjoy more than just greater intelligence, as this study has also proven that we are more creative and happier.
This is what the British study Why Night Owls Are More Intelligent has revealed.
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