Student Who Walked 20 Miles To Work On His First Day Receives A Wonderful Gift For His Dedication

From a very early age, we learn that our actions have consequences. As a result, we are programmed to consider the knock-on effects our behavior can have.

This moral compass is what helps to guide us through life. Without it, there is a strong chance that we could find ourselves in trouble with the law, our friends, our family, and even our health. When used correctly, our moral compass can guide us to magical destinations.

One person who has explored that destination is Walter Carr, a student from Alabama who went viral earlier this week when the details of his remarkable actions were brought to the attention of the masses.

Carr, from New Orleans, Louisiana, had no intention of becoming an internet sensation, but when the world caught wind of his selfless behavior, people couldn’t help but marvel. And, whilst his name may have been plastered on practically every news publication around the globe, Carr has maintained his humble attitude.

You see, Carr is the unwitting hero in this story, a story which starts in 2005 when he and his mother lost their home to Hurricane Katrina.

That event shaped Carr’s life, as it did for the 800,000 other people who lost their homes during the category 5 hurricane – which became the deadliest tropical cyclone to ever hit America.

However, he didn’t allow it to impact his life in a negative way. Instead, it spurred Carr on to achieve more, to work harder and to never give up, even in the face of severe adversity.

Perhaps that’s why he did what he did on July 15. Having recently started a new job with removal company, Bellhops in Alabama, Carr knew he needed to pull out all the stops to prove himself on his first day. However, that plan was stalled when Carr’s car refused to start.

Aware that he needed to be at work the following morning, and with no alternative transport, Carr knew he had to take drastic measures to ensure he showed up. So, he decided to walk the 20 miles to that day’s location.

Setting out at midnight after a four-hour nap, Carr trekked his way to Chris and Jenny Lamey’s house. He managed to travel 14 miles before police picked him up at 4am.

Initially, the cops were suspicious of Carr’s behavior. But once they’d heard his story, they took the exhausted student to breakfast. After they’d eaten, the cops transported Carr for the final leg of his journey, where they checked out his story with Jenny Lamey, who confirmed that she had indeed hired Bellhops to help move her belongings.

Overwhelmed by Carr’s dedication, Jenny asked if the youngster wanted a nap, but he refused. “I asked Walter if he wanted to go upstairs and rest until everyone else arrived,” Jenny writes in a Facebook post which has since been shared more than 1,000 times. “He declined and said he could go ahead and get started. So he began working alongside Chris and I before the rest of the crew arrived.”

Carr’s story left a lasting impression on Jenny, as well as the cops who’d collected him off the side of the road in the dead of night. “You could tell how the officer told us this story that he had complete admiration for Walter and by my reaction he could tell I did too,” Jenny writes.

They gave Walter an incredible gift to say thank you. Watch his disbelief as he receives it in this video…


Sharing the remarkable story on Facebook, Jenny wanted to acknowledge Carr’s determination and Bellhops efficiency. Instead, what she did was change Carr’s life.

Her post quickly garnered a mass amount of support and then the attention of Bellhops’ CEO, Luke Marklin. “This is an incredible story,” Marklin wrote on Facebook. “The grit and heart Walter showed defines Bellhops’ culture precisely. I’m really proud to be on the same team as Walter… We set a high bar on service and he just raised it. Look forward to thanking him in person this week.”

For Carr, the praise he has received was probably enough of a reward for his actions. However, Jenny and Luke Marklin had another plan to compensate Carr.

Setting up a GoFundMe page for Carr, Jenny hoped to raise enough money to cover the repair costs to Walter’s car, or possibly buy him a new one. She set a target of $2,000, but this was exceeded practically overnight. Currently, 857 people have donated an eye-watering $34,095 to the cause.

However, whilst this money will no doubt benefit Walter, he no longer requires a car, because Bellhops CEO gifted him his very own. Marklin gave Carr his old car, a Ford Escape, to thank him for his incredible efforts to get to work – and to ensure that he never has to walk to work again!

Now, that’s what you call a heartwarming story!

The post Student Who Walked 20 Miles To Work On His First Day Receives A Wonderful Gift For His Dedication appeared first on Viral Thread.

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