23 Jul Student Leaves His Car On Neighbor’s Drive For 11 Weeks, Alongside A Cheeky Request
Finding a place to leave you car while you go on holiday can be a difficult task. You panic about leaving it on the road because you worry someone could break into it, and you don’t want to leave it at the airport as it will cost you an arm and a leg. For those of you who have your own private driveways, you won’t know this fear, but for those of us that don’t, it’s just another part of the logistical nightmare that is going on holiday.
However, one cheeky international student took finding a safe space for his car to the extreme. Jack, who studies business at Aberystwyth University in Wales, dumped his car on his neighbour’s drive for 11 weeks while he spent his summer back at home in China. But, just to make sure they didn’t think he was being rude, Jack also left a bizarre hand written letter to the neighbours, thanking them for letting him park on their drive.
Tom and Julia Ebenezer are the neighbours in question, and they say that Jack had spoken to them previously about parking his car in their driveway, but that nothing had been agreed. However, Jack appeared to ignore this, and decided to park the car on the drive before jetting off to China until September. Even more astonishingly, Jack left behind his cactus plant for the couple to look after as well as penning the strange letter below, but refused to leave his car keys.
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