Struggling Mom Receives Message From Complete Stranger, Soon Leads To A Knock At The Door

Random acts of kindness can seem like a rarity in this day and age. The idea of just helping somebody who has fallen down to their feel seems alien to so many people. Instead, if you do see somebody in need, it is more common to pull out your cell phone and record them, rather than offer them a helping hand.

The thing is, if we were able to change this mindset so many people have, the world would be a much better place. When somebody offers help and kindness, they are more likely to pass that on to others – and this, in turn, makes life all the more enjoyable.

When you really think about it, there are dozens of ways every single day we could help someone. Whether you help somebody with their luggage on the subway or grab an item from the top shelf of the supermarket for a shorter person, these gestures don’t cost the world, but it could really make someone’s day.

And it is this positive attitude that will inspire them to pass it on to others. If you’re walking down a street with miserable people, you’re gonna be miserable too. But if everybody is willing to offer a smile and help those in need, then the world would a much better place.

Of course, the severity of “people in need” can differ greatly from person to person. Where somebody may just be struggling to reach the detergent from a high shelf at the store, another person may seriously be struggling to juggle all parts of their life and make ends meet. Take, for example, this extraordinary single mom from Florida.

Another amazing example is this waitress who helped an elderly customer cut up their food, then she was rewarded in an amazing way:


Now, we all know that being a mother is no easy task. But when you’re doing it all alone and trying to put yourself through college at the same time, then life can just seem downright cruel and unfair. Speaking to Bored Panda, Billie revealed how her seven-year-old son was just headed into second grade: “It’s always been just me and him, so I’ve been a single mom for 7 years. I have 4 jobs and I am also a full-time student so not much time for dating.”

“Of course it’s difficult, it is intended to be a two person job,” she added. “We honestly wouldn’t make it without family, friends, and the kindness of strangers.”

And speaking of the kindness of strangers, Billie’s life was about to change for the better after she received a Facebook message out of the blue from a woman she’d never even met. “She found me in a mom group, I’ve posted there for advice a few times,” Billie explained.

Naturally, Billie was weary of the message: “I was a bit cautious of course. I stalked her online and made sure she wasn’t an axe murderer.”

The stranger offered Billie something that would make her life so much easier, but she would only receive it if she accepted the Good Samaritan’s unique “terms and conditions”. Check out their conversation below:

A remarkably kind – and slightly unbelievable – offer, I’m sure you’ll agree. But although she would be gaining so much that would help her, Billie was conflicted, explaining how she has always struggled to admit to needing help:

Recognizing that her offer probably sounded a little bizarre and “too good to be true”, the Good Samaritan decided to offer up her explanation – and it truly is a story that pulls on the heartstrings:

It wasn’t long before Billie received a knock at the door, and packages containing supplies flooded her home:

“I opened the boxes today. All of my son’s school supplies and some extras. A new pair of shoes, which is awesome [because] I’m super thrifty and hardly ever buy brand new things. He is gonna be super excited”

And natural, after sharing this amazing story on Imgur under the username of BillietheUnicorn42, Billie was flooded with messages of support and admiration for the Good Samaritan:

Billie believes that this experience has taught her son an immeasurable lesson, one that she just wouldn’t have been able to construct by herself as a single parent: “I owe this woman so much. I hope this story helps other people want to do more kind things, just to do them.”

Now, as one person’s random act of kindness has inspired one mother and son – as well as countless others online – to always do the right thing, it is easy to see how offering help to those in need really can make the world a much better place.

If you don’t except somebody’s help, it can all go wrong – just like it did for this lady:


The post Struggling Mom Receives Message From Complete Stranger, Soon Leads To A Knock At The Door appeared first on Viral Thread.

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