Sorry To Tell You, But This Is What’s Really Inside McDonald’s Fries

Even the healthiest, most disciplined, most “my-body-is-a-temple” type person has to admit that once in a while there’s nothing better than a cheeky McDonald’s. Whether it’s a bad day that pushes you over the edge and into that vat of tasty fat, or you wait until it’s 3 am and spy those golden arches gleaming at you through blurry beer goggles, a secret love of the fast-food giant is something that many of us share, but few of us are willing to ‘fess up about.

But while it’s fair to say that the iconic fast food chain have cleaned up their act in recent years, moving towards fresher meats and ditching ingredients such as high-fructose corn syrup, we’re still never quite sure about what’s really in their food. Is that pink chicken nugget video real? Will it still look exactly the same if you leave it for a decade? You can never be too sure.

What we do know, is that for vegetarians, McDonald’s is no longer the complete and utter no-go it used to be – well, in some countries at least. While the company says that there are no certified vegetarian or vegan products on its US menu, in some countries the chain does now offer veggie options such as the Vegetable Deluxe burger, egg McMuffin and fruity porridge.

In Sweden and Finland, they’ve also introduced a McVegan burger following a successful trial last October. Unfortunately, Macca’s say that there are no immediate plans to roll out the soy-based patty into other counties.

Cornelia Taste Tests McDonald’s First Vegan Burger: [[jwplayerwidget||||uPsMf2Fs]]

That doesn’t mean the burger wasn’t a huge success – as you can probably tell from Cornelia’s reaction, and fans lucky enough to get their hands on one quickly took to social media to rave about how delicious it was.

The post Sorry To Tell You, But This Is What’s Really Inside McDonald’s Fries appeared first on Viral Thread.

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