23 Jun Sophia the Human Robot Creeps out Piers Morgan with Existential Answer to Question
If you’re a major sci-fi nerd like I am, then the prospect of scientists and engineers inventing a real-life form of artificial intelligence is probably something that gives you goosebumps. For decades, ever since Charles Babbage invented the thinking engine and the Mechanical Turk played chess, popular culture has been obsessed with the concept of machines that can think for themselves – facsimiles of human beings made of metal and circuitry, who could work for us and help us in our industry, or even replace or conquer us in the future.
But today (thankfully) robots are nowhere near as advanced as they are in the stories of Isaac Asimov, and despite our best efforts, no computer program yet designed has proved capable of passing the Turing test – the diagnostic criteria which determines whether or not a machine has successfully duplicated a human being’s thought processes.
Still, that hasn’t stopped engineers from trying their best to create an A.I. that rivals fictional characters. But will they end up building something as friendly and passive as C-3PO or WALL-E, or will they create some kind of bloodthirsty kill-bot like the Terminator? If you’ve got a fear of robots then you might want to look away now, or consider hiding behind the sofa. It turns out that they machines have invaded Good Morning Britain, and given host Piers Morgan a bit of a shock. First: daytime television. Tomorrow? The world!
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