20 Jul Sleep Calculator Reveals The Exact Times You Need To Fall Asleep To Wake Up Feeling Refreshed
It’s 6:23pm and you’re crammed into a crowded train with the rest of the modern workforce. Everyone is itching to get out of their suits and skirts, stuff their faces with lasagna, and then drift off into a heavy slumber. The air is thick, your eyelids are drooping, and you start thinking to yourself, “I’m going to get a good night’s sleep. Eight hours. Maybe even more!”
So, you get home, change into your pajamas within 30 seconds of walking through the door, and are in bed by 10pm. With your alarms set for 7am (and 7:05, 7:10, 7:15, and so on), you smile knowing that you’ll feel amazing tomorrow after getting a whopping nine hours of sleep.
But when your alarms go off, you roll out of bed with the same grogginess you feel every morning. You look in the mirror and your eyes look like you’ve just gone 12 rounds with Conor McGregor, swelling beyond the point of repair. But why are you so sleepy? You just got more hours of sleep than the past two nights combined, and yet you still woke up feeling only half-human.
Unfortunately, you have fallen for the common misconception that simply more hours of sleep is all one needs to awake feeling refreshed and ready for the day. As we have discovered, there is much more to sleep than just the duration in which your eyes are closed. Luckily (or unluckily?), you’re not alone, which is why retail blinds company web-blinds.com has created a “sleep calculator”, which will tell you the exact time you need to hit the hay in order to feel wide awake in the morning.
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