16 Aug Sisters Who Gave Birth Just 20 Minutes Apart Celebrate A Year Later With A Remarkable Photoshoot
Pregnancy is always a very special time in any woman’s wife! Expectant moms can’t wait to finally meet their little ones, but in the meantime, they’re happy enough knowing that he or she is safely tucked away in their womb, growing just a little bigger every single day. And the bigger the baby grows, the more the excitement builds and builds.
But just imagine that you were pregnant at the same time as a loved one; that you’d conceived around the same time, and their were high chances your babies would be born on the same day. You had someone to share all those emotions, worries and concerns with. Now imagine it was your sister!
Well, despite the seemingly slim odd, that’s exactly what happened to Corey Struve Talbott and Katie Struve Morgan. When they both found out they were both pregnant with baby girls, they were ecstatic! Naturally, they had always been extremely close growing up, and had ended up going down several similar paths in life – but neither could have expected this to happen.
However, as if it wasn’t enough that the sisters fell pregnant around the same time, their story features a lot more bizzare, unexpected and heartwarming coincidences…
Corey and Katie both fell pregnant in 2016, and they couldn’t believe their luck! They were both about to become moms, but they never imagined they’d ever “share a pregnancy” together. They could now support each other through all the ups and downs that come with pregnancies; all those insane cravings, morning sickness and those pesky mood swings.
The sisters wanted to commemorate their “joint pregnancies” by contacting a photographer by the name of Brenden Boggs, and hiring him to center a photo shoot around them and their baby bumps. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; there was no way they’d ever be pregnant at the same time ever again, so they had to make the most of it!
Their due dates were just two weeks apart, so the sisters reveled in the idea that their babies would be honorary twins. However, after what already seemed like a massive coincidence, they weren’t expecting this “miracle” to happen…
It was estimated that Corey would go into labor a couple of weeks after her sister Katie, but in reality, they ended up giving birth on the exact same day: August 10 2016! The sisters were beyond excited that they could now legitimately refer to their newborns, Ryatt Raegan and Indie Mae, as “honorary twins”.
While both of them may secretly have been hoping that their babies would share the same birthday, they knew just how unlikely that would be. But, to top their remarkable “shared pregnancy”, their babies were delivered by the exact same doctors, and were born just 20 minutes apart!
The sisters’ pregnancies was something they would not be forgetting in a hurry; the sheer number of coincidences that they came across along the way made them think anything was possible! Even a year later, the thrill of having “twin cousins” hadn’t died down… So, they decided that just like they’d commemorated their pregnancies with a photo shoot, they wanted to commemorate their daughters’ first birthday with yet another photo shoot by Brenden Boggs.
The women wanted to have an “after” photo for the very special picture Boggs captured of them in their long, turquoise dresses containing their not-so-little baby bumps. Take a look at the recreated photo, this time with their babies in tow…
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