26 Jul Sheep Go On A Rampage In Welsh Village After Getting ‘High’ On Cannabis
On the day that our planet is finally invaded by aliens less benevolent than most of us would have hoped, there will be scant time for pause or reflection.
Indeed, in the face of any existential threat to our planet, any nuclear force or epidemic that might significantly alter our way of life, there will surely come a time that salient pieces of information, the clues from the wreckage that might piece together a chain of regrettable events that culminated in such destitution, must be gathered.
On that fateful day, admittedly, it is not especially likely that the astonishing story of a flock of sheep rampaging through a Welsh Village high on a heady mix of cannabis and adrenaline will be considered a key piece of our culture’s jigsaw. Once you have read it for yourself, though, you might think otherwise.
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