22 Sep Shaman Convinced He Could Control Crocodiles Jumps Into Lake And It Doesn’t End Well
Crocodiles are dangerous, man-eating creatures. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with Steve Irwin, and my dad told me that it was only a matter of time before he met his maker thanks to a croc.
In a strange twist of fate, it was a stingray that ended Irwin’s life, but even this was testament to how dangerous nature can be. Irwin was a wildlife expert, and one mistake in 2006 cost him his life.
But when a man called Arjuna was killed by a crocodile in Kutai Kartanegara, Indonesia a shaman decided to step in and volunteered to locate his body using his “powers”. This was a bad idea. A very bad idea.
Shaman Suprianto claimed that he could not only locate Arjuna’s body, but prove that he could use his powers to control crocodiles. So in front of a large crowd, he idiotically jumped into crocodile-infested waters.
Suprianto is pictured below as he floated in a cross-like shape, chanting to the giant reptiles.
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