Scientists Reveal You’ve Been Wiping Your Bum Wrong All This Time

Hopefully you’re not eating right now, because what I’m about to say might be a little disgusting. There is poop on your bum, and in your underwear, and probably spread around your nether regions right now.

Can’t say I didn’t warn you! But yes, it’s true. If you’ve been wiping your bum with regular toilet paper from front to back, chances are you haven’t gotten it all off.

Think about it. You don’t wash your body with a thin, dry piece of paper, and that’s just to mostly remove sweat. At the very least, water is involved.

You’ve probably got all kinds of squishy sponges, loofas, rain-simulating shower heads, scented soaps and gels for washing, and a big fluffy towel to dry off with at the end.

So what’s up with the discount toilet paper for cleaning up ‘down there’ after stinking up the bathroom? Seriously, we’ve all eaten one too many spicy chilli tacos at some point, and there is no way eight squares of two-ply are realistically going to take care of that mess.

Studies have shown that we are definitely not cleaning up well enough after a trip to the toilet. Dry toilet paper simply moves our poo around, but doesn’t remove all of it from our skin.

That means your morning crap might be spreading to your clothes and the rest of your nether regions, and that can seriously set you up for some health issues like a urinary tract infection.

What’s worse? If you’re one of those people who wipe back to front, you are nearly guaranteeing yourself one of those nasty UTIs. Wipe the other way and you’ll be seeing your doctor a lot less frequently, guaranteed.

Basically, toilet paper is just moving bacteria around our skin, rather than cleaning it, and that’s not great. On top of that, the abrasiveness of dry paper on our bums can cause small tears in the rectum called anal fissures, and can even haemorrhoids. Pass the Preparation H!

The post Scientists Reveal You’ve Been Wiping Your Bum Wrong All This Time appeared first on Viral Thread.

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