11 Aug Scientists Reveal Why You Should Never Use The Hairdryer In A Hotel
The hotel hairdryer is a pretty considerable staple to include in every room. After all, it can’t be cheap to order thousands upon thousands of those things, along with the seemingly endless supply of towels.
Hotel rooms are infamous for having the germs exactly where you don’t expect them. It was always a shocking realization, as a kid, when you were told that the phone receiver is dirtier than the toilet seat. After all, the toilet seat gets scrubbed down constantly, between each occupant. The phone receiver gets ignored for months on end.
It’s the same with door handles – they’re filthy. And apparently, the first bathroom stall is actually the cleanliest. The reason? Most people avoid the first stall, assuming that it’s the most used. As a consequence, the first stall gets used less than any other. It’s like the bathroom equivalent of not choosing C on a multiple-choice exam because it seems like the most obvious answer.
So, what exactly is wrong with hotel hairdryers?
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