Scientists Claim That ‘Once A Cheater Always A Cheater’ Could Be True

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Once a cheater, always a cheater” at least once in your life. Whilst most of us automatically think of cheating in a romantic context, it can also refer to cheating in many different ways.

The claim that cheaters will never change might sound extreme, but when you read about this discovery, it will actually make a lot of sense. And don’t worry, it only refers to a certain type of cheater…

Have you ever cheated on a test? Or perhaps, more innocently, copied a friend’s homework at school? The severity of the crime doesn’t matter, according to science, it’s all the same.

What’s more, is that a study in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour revealed that if someone has cheated on a partner in the past, shockingly, they are three times more likely to do it again in the future.

Most people have cheated at least once in their lives. However, what makes a true cheater – and one who is likely to do it again in the future – is how they felt afterwards. So there’s no need to condemn yourself just yet.

This is what science have proven…

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