24 Aug Scientist Claims He’s Finally Cracked The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle, And It’s Pretty Convincing
The Bermuda Triangle is one of those subjects that is best not thought about, really. It’s a bit like Area 51, in the sense that once you begin thinking about it, you end up lost in some weird part of the internet reading multiple different conspiracy theories from people who have mullets and mustaches, claiming that they know exactly why multiple different planes have gone missing and start spouting nonsense about aliens.
However, you cannot deny that it is fascinating. There is something so engrossing about the mysterious nature of the Triangle, that you can see why a lot of people devote a large part of their lives trying to figure out what is going on inside of it.
While many theorists believe that the 700,000km stretch of water has some sort of supernatural power, one scientist believes he has found the reason behind all of the madness and his conclusion is convincing, but also… a bit disappointing.
First though, some context into how the Bermuda Triangle got its legendary status.
The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most heavily travelled shipping lanes on earth, with vessels crossing through it to get to multiple different ports in America, the Caribbean and Europe. The mystery surrounding the area began to grow in the 20th century after different planes and ships went missing over a period of a couple of decades.
In 1918, a large carrier ship which was designed to deliver fuel to the American fleet in WWI, disappeared in the Triangle. The USS Cyclops set sail with 309 on board and was loaded up with heavy cargo, but it failed to arrive in Baltimore after leaving Barbados.
Once it was registered as missing, multiple different search teams were sent out to retrace its route, but no remains were ever found. Then, in 1941, two of the Cyclops’ sister ships also disappeared along the same route. So, what happened to them? Dr Kruszelnicki believes he has the answers.
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