09 Jan Science Has Revealed The 8 Physical Characteristics That Men Find Most Attractive On Women
Women are typically deemed attractive by men if they have certain physical characteristics. Popular culture has portrayed slim, big-busted women with perfectly symmetrical features as the most attractive examples of the fairer sex, but what does science have to say about it?
We no longer live in a world where relationships exist solely to further the human race. Men don’t need to be the strongest physical specimens to get laid and women don’t need to be happy big-busted homemakers, but there are some physical characteristics that have been attractive since the dawn of time. In fact, when they’re checked out by a potential mate, it’s known as a “reproductive fitness assessment”.
And it turns out that more physical features make women attractive to men than what we might think!
Compiled by Business Insider and Dr. Midge Wilson, Professor of Psychology and Women’s and Gender Studies at DePaul University, these are the physical characteristics that make women attractive to men – and yes, you can change some of them! So if you’re a single lady hoping to be kissed this New Year’s Eve, then you might want to pay close attention to what science has to say about heterosexual attraction…
1. The right waist-to-hip ratio
It’s no secret that hips are for childbearing, and if a woman as the right waist-to-hip ratio, that will instantly make her more attractive. Researchers found that the magic hip-to-waist ratio is 7:10, as women with this number are not only slim, but have good-sized hips for childbearing.
2. A high-pitched voice
Women might be attracted to men with deep voices, and the opposite is true for men. Women with high-pitched voices are viewed as more feminine by men as well as younger. Since the peak female fertility age is between 21 and 30, you can see why men find this attractive.
While the first two physical characteristics are impossible to change if you don’t currently possess them, don’t resign yourself to a life of singledom just yet. The next physical characteristics that men find attractive are features that we can all aspire to.
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