Sarah Hyland Has A Message For “All The Pervs” Who Body-Shame Co-Star Ariel Winter

Ariel Winter definitely hasn’t had the easiest of rides out of all the kids on the popular comedy, Modern Family.

When the 20-year-old started filming for the show, she was only 11 years old and of course, within a couple of years, puberty kicked in and she started to become very busty for her young age.

The young star talked about growing up on Modern Family on Jimmy Kimmel:


It got to the point where at the age of 17, she even had to undergo breast reduction surgery. She’s also gotten a lot of flack because she tends to show more skin than her Modern Family castmates.

However, the rest of her castmates – the tight-knit bunch that they are – have always been there for each other and defended each other against unwarranted criticism.

On Sunday, it was Sarah Hyland’s turn to stick up for her on-screen sister on the hit ABC show. She just couldn’t stand by while her young co-star’s physical appearance was unfairly slated by Instagram trolls.

It all started when Ariel posted a photo of herself in a grey tank top with her arms crossed, waiting for her car to be filled with gas.

She wrote in the caption: “Honestly the ONLY reason I’m posting this is because I’ve never seen a more accurate picture of myself.”

The caption was pretty hilarious and telling at the same time. Usually, pictures on Instagram show people looking their absolute best, covered head to toe in make-up.

Watch as Ariel delves into her difficult family life: 


It’s pretty clear that they don’t look like that in real life although they’d like to have us believe it. This picture, however, is free of any false and over-the-top poses and appears genuine.

And considering she herself has said that it’s accurate, she must stand like that with her arms crossed and that look on her face quite a lot.

Unfortunately for Ariel, as soon as she posts a photo showing off even just the tiniest bit of skin, she is practically inundated with derogatory comments from trolls.

Furthermore, the image was ultimately removed due to copyright reasons according to People, but not before Sarah wrote, in no uncertain terms: “To all the pervs commenting on this post? GET OFFLINE AND GET BACK TO YOUR BLOWUP DOLL YA CREEPS!”

Of course, Sarah herself knows a thing or two about what it’s like to be body-shamed for no good reason.

In the spring of 2017, there were a lot of negative comments being made about the Modern Family actress and her apparent weight loss.

Soon enough, she decided she would no longer keep quiet about the issue. Sarah explained in a lengthy Twitter post why she had recently lost so much weight.

The basic gist of the post was that we, the public, were being far too invasive and that her weight loss was her issue. Fair enough.

Here it is in full:

“I’d like to address something that has not only been brought up on Twitter but has been HEAVILY discussed by all of you in my Instagram comments. That something is my weight.

I normally don’t comment on things like this because it draws attention to those trying to spread negativity but I’m here to explain a few things and spread love.”

“Here goes … I haven’t had the greatest year. Maybe one day I’ll talk about it but for now, I’d like my privacy. I will say this year has brought a lot of changes and with that, physical changes. I have been told I can’t work out. Which, for me, is very upsetting. I am an activist for activity (and for eating junk food in bed but it’s all about balance right?). I love to be outdoors. I love to be STRONG. (I’ll be using that word a lot). Strength is everything. Being strong has gotten me where I am. Both mentally and physically.”

“I am not a fan of ‘being skinny’ which many of you have told me that I am too much of. ‘Eat a burger, your head is bigger than your body and that’s disgusting’ and you’re right! I should eat a burger! Cause they’re f — king delicious! But guess what. I do. And again, you’re right. No one’s head should be bigger than their body but considering I’ve basically been on bed rest for the past few months, I’ve lost a lot of muscle mass. My circumstances have put me in a place where I’m not in control of what my body looks like.”

“So I strive to be as healthy as possible, as everyone should. Oh, and no that’s not photoshop. Those are my legs. Those are my arms. I write this because I’ve been accused of promoting anorexia in, ironically enough, an anti-bullying post. And I want young girls to know that that’s NOT my intention.

I posted a picture of my boyfriend’s apparel line, in which part of the proceeds go to the anti-bully alliance, and in return, [I] am bullied.”

“Which made me laugh, but then it dawned on me that young girls are reading posts that are saying that I’m promoting anorexia due to my weight. While these comments don’t affect me, they may affect others. So I’m here to say that no one should aim to be the weight I am at right now.

I am working hard to maintain my weight by eating as much protein as possible and continue to be STRONG and healthy. There’s no need to worry! I’ve been down before and I’ll probably be down again in my lifetime but I’m steadfast and solid and will conquer my obstacles. Since I’m here… You may wonder. Am I bothered by my appearance right now? Well, it’s never fun to look in the mirror and see your hard work at the gym fade away or have your legs be the size of one’s arms. But I know that when I  get clearance I will be able to get back to the STRONG, lean, and fabulous self I know I can be.”

“You all will probably have something to say about that as well but it doesn’t affect me. I don’t mind when you say that I look pregnant. Or fat. Because I know that my face is swollen from medication that is saving my life. For those on prednisone, I know what you’re going through and I commend you sticking it out as I have. My self-confidence is not rendered from your comments. Because I will always be too fat. Because I will always be too fat. I will always be too skinny.”

“I will never have enough have enough curves to be called a woman. And I will always be a slit for wearing a push-up bra. Love the you you set out to be. Be the best version of yourself. Be healthy. I’m a 26-year-old woman who goes through more than you could even imagine on a daily basis. But I work hard. I love hard. And I got to where I am because I am STRONG and didn’t give up. I am grateful for the life I live and you should be too. Don’t let other’s comments alter any part of you! Love and positivity is what we need most. Especially at a time like this.”

In light of all that, it’s no wonder Sarah is so passionate about the issue of body image, self-acceptance and self-love. She seeks to defend not only her own body image but that of people close to her, including Ariel.

Speaking of Ariel – after her photo was taken down due to supposed copyright violation, she made sure to re-upload it.

And here it is, back to its rightful owner:

She explained her pretty justified reasoning for the repost in the caption:

“Posting again for the idiots who took down MY PHOTO for violating someone else’s copyright. They violated my space so I should at least be able to post it when I want to or just not be f*cking photographed. Will repost every time it’s taken down.”

Winter also replied to a commenter on the first upload. On the original picture, he wrote: “When you were perfect…” and added a sad face, as though it were a picture that had been taken years ago. In response to his supposedly wistful sentiments, Ariel replied: “This got taken of me two days ago.”


Unfortunately, the young actress has been confronted with a slew of nasty comments about her body during her career.

When she was 18, she got heaps of derogatory comments hurled at her for wearing a certain pink dress at her high school graduation party, a dress that exposed… her underboobs!

“Dear sorry body-shamers, I looked HOT in that dress,” she wrote on Twitter. “And if you hate it, don’t buy it. But please get a hobby. XOXO Ariel #EmbraceYourBody.”

It’s lovely to see that both Ariel and Sarah are not only willing to stick up for each other when unfairly under attack, but that they both live their lives with their heads held high, reveling in their own self-confidence.

The post Sarah Hyland Has A Message For “All The Pervs” Who Body-Shame Co-Star Ariel Winter appeared first on Viral Thread.

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