05 Feb Rose McGowan Gets Into Vicious Argument With Trans Woman At Book Signing
When news of the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke in October, it opened up a debate that is likely to rage for years to come. Following revelations that the Hollywood mogul had abused his position of power to sexually assault women, countless victims came forward to say #MeToo.
This was the result of a request from one of Weinstein’s victims, Rose McGowan, to encourage others to call out their abusers on social media.
This has led to the universal condemnation of those who sexually assault people, prompting a greater awareness of what consent means and causing many to evaluate their own sexual histories – with some stars like Morgan Spurlock even calling themselves out as abusers.
However, there are some groups of people who are still struggling to have their voices heard – namely sex workers and trans women. In fact, since the #MeToo campaign began, a number of young stars of the adult entertainment world have made the decision to end their own lives.
Now, the face of the #MeToo campaign, Rose McGowan, has shown that her views are not quite as liberal or as inclusive as she thinks they are. When heckled by a transgender woman in a bookstore, she responded in an abominable way.
“RoseMcGowan has meltdown on stage at Barnes & Nobles book signing after trans heckler yells that she hasn’t done anything for trans women who are victims of sexual assault,” wrote Pop Crave on Twitter, alongside a video of the incident.
Trans women struggle more than most to have their voices heard when it comes to being victims of sexual assault, and McGowan’s actions and the crowd’s support of them is a testament to how much work still has to be done in this area.
Statistically, a trans woman has a 64% chance of being assaulted in her lifetime, compared to 35% of cisgender women.
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