09 Jan Research Has Proven That Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier
Thanks to celebrities like Kim Kardashian, big butts are well and truly in fashion. They’ve caused countless people to flock to gyms in the hope of squatting their way to the derriere of their dreams, or, if they’re financially able, going under the knife to become #BootyGoals.
Over the years, the ideal booty type has changed significantly. Way back in the 1920s, when flapper girls were the epitome of fashion, having no butt at all was best, but by the 1950s, big butts were in thanks to the immortal Marilyn Monroe who was the Kim K of her day.
Many women want to conform to these gender stereotypes so that they can be more attractive to the opposite sex, which is why achieving them surgically is so dangerous. Big boobs might have been all the rage a decade ago, but now they’re officially out of fashion.
However, according to a study published in PLoS ONE, big butts activate the reward regions of the male brain otherwise stimulated by substances like alcohol and drugs, causing an unconscious attraction to women with them, so maybe they’re not quite as bad as boob jobs.
While there is no denying that fashion and celebrity culture play a huge role in influencing ideal female body types, it turns out that if you’re blessed with a big butt naturally, well, you’re also likely to have been blessed with a bigger brain and a healthier body!
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