07 Aug ‘Possessed Doll’ Bought On eBay For $1100 Reportedly ‘Attacks’ Its New Owner
Well, this is one of the more messed up stories that you are going to read today: a possessed doll that was sold on eBay for some serious cash has been attacking it’s new owner when he is asleep.
No, I am not joking – and what makes this worse is… this doll has history. Yes, this isn’t the first time that this doll has been accused of attacking its owner, and why it hasn’t been burnt to a crisp on a hastily made funeral pyre is beyond me.
The doll in question hit the headlines a few weeks ago due to its violent episodes. It’s former owner, Debbie Merrick, said the doll had begun attacking her husband, scratching him in his sleep, as well as taking off its necklace and setting off fire alarms. Debbie decided to sell the doll on eBay, and for some bizarre reason somebody actually bought it.
Lee Steer, a paranormal-investigator from Rotherham in the UK, paid an insane $1,100 for the doll, after a bidding war broke out between multiple interested ghost fans.
Quite why you would want a paranormal doll in your house is beyond me, and unsurprisingly, Lee’s dad Paul has been subject to the same treatment as the previous owners. Paul says that he has woken up with scratches all over his arms, but the family say they’re not sure if it’s the doll who is to blame.
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