18 Jan Pornhub’s Traffic In Hawaii Spiked To 48% Higher Than Normal After False Missile Alarm
The world was horrified when news emerged from Hawaii that residents had falsely been sent a missile alert on Saturday. For just over half an hour, the entire island was left convinced that they were about to meet an explosive nuclear end.
The incident happened during a shift change at Hawaii’s Emergency Management Agency when an employee accidentally hit the wrong button and sent a routine test message to the state’s residents instead of sending it to the agency itself.
People were understandably terrified when they received the message. They immediately stopped what they were doing and scrambled to find shelter, with many calling their loved ones who were out of state to say their goodbyes.
While government officials were quick to announce that it was a false alarm online, the news did not reach the majority of people until 38 minutes later, when a correction message was sent out, causing the island to breathe a sigh of relief.
People were outraged that those on Hawaii had been scared like that and were quick to make their feelings about the situation known, with journalist Dan Rather writing, “I think Hawaii should buy everyone on the islands a drink of their choosing – on the state.”
Other people, however, decided to celebrate the fact they weren’t going to die in a different way… by masturbating.
It’s no secret that masturbation helps relieve stress. In fact, it’s been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, and, let’s face it, everyone in Hawaii’s hearts must have been racing after a scare like that – so they immediately went onto PornHub after getting the all-clear.
The post Pornhub’s Traffic In Hawaii Spiked To 48% Higher Than Normal After False Missile Alarm appeared first on Viral Thread.
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