09 Jan Police Officer Forced To Resign After Just Two Weeks For Posting Offensive Snapchat
Black people in America are being beaten up, shot, and murdered on an almost daily basis, and it’s not by some rogue criminal group. It’s by the cops themselves. In 2015, according to official reports, the police killed 102 unarmed black people. However, the actual number is expected to be higher due to misreporting.
It’s been 152 years since the 13th amendment abolished slavery, and 49 years since the last Civil rights act was passed – so why then, in 2017, are events like white supremacist rallies still occurring in Americans cities like Charlottesville?
It’s safe to say the equal rights for black Americans are still not equal enough.
Terence Crutcher, Philando Castile, Paul O’Neal, Alton Sterling, Deravis Rogers, David Joseph; the list of murdered men is endless, and continues to grow with each passing day. So, with all this unrest in mind, you’d think that any new police officer enrolled into the force would be keen to help improve the police’s image.
Enter, Melissa Adamson. Adamson was a part-time police officer in Pennsylvania, who just lost two jobs after posting a racial slur to her Snapchat account. So exactly the opposite kind of person the US police should be concentrating on hiring, then…
Dressed in a Pitcairn police uniform, Melissa Adamson posted a photo along with the caption: “I’m the law today n*gga.” The image found its way online, and was eventually spotted by her boss.
In response to the racially insensitive Snapchat, McKeesport Mayor Michael Cherepko posted the following statement on Facebook:
“As mayor of the city of McKeesport, I feel compelled to publicly address an issue that has come to my attention via social media. A past social media post surfaced just a few hours ago involving a recently hired part-time police officer, who has been in training as a probationary employee for just a few weeks. This post displays a degree of conduct and character that is far different from what I would expect from an officer in this city. It is absolutely unacceptable.
Without hesitation, my office and the police chief’s office immediately concluded that this officer’s actions will not be tolerated in the city of McKeesport. She has been relieved of her duties, and her employment has been terminated.”
Adamson also worked part-time as a police officer in Versailles. She resigned from that job on Tuesday night. Adamson told Pittsburgh’s Action News 4:
“Everyone that knows me knows I don’t have a racist bone in my body. And people who don’t know me, I can understand why it was misconstrued to where it looks racist. But like I said, everyone who knows me knows I’m not racist.
I don’t want this to affect how I do my job. I don’t want people to look at me differently, thinking that I can’t build myself up to the standard of a police officer. Again, it was a stupid mistake. It shouldn’t have been posted in general, regardless of how my intentions were. I’m sorry for who I did offend. It was not my intention. I can’t express how sorry I am for how I made you feel — emotionally, physically. Again, it wasn’t my intention.”
This is still a serious issue across America. It’s not just about a racist comment – it’s about how the people who are hired to protect and serve still view black people.
Let’s return to this story from 2016. In a country where guns can be legally carried, Philando Castile was shot by a cop Jeronimo Yanez after being pulled over for a busted taillight.
After calmly explaining to the police officer that he did indeed have a firearm in the car and that he had a permit for it, Castile was shot six times after attempting to then show the officer his license and registration. As you can see from the video below, a useless cop’s trigger-happy reaction not only killed a man, leaving his family in grief, but it also played yet another part in the Black Lives Matter campaign.
If you’ve ever seen the dashcam footage of Castile’s murder – sorry, “manslaughter”, it’s clear to see that many police officers in America still don’t possess the training or nerve to carry a firearm. This is clear from his shrieking, crying and repeated use of the word “f*ck”.
If you can’t handle a gun. Don’t carry a gun.
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