19 Dec Piers Morgan Clashes With Trans Model Munroe Bergdorf After She Won’t Stop Using The “N-Word” On Live TV
Twenty-nine-year-old transgender model Munroe Bergdorf is no stranger to controversy. After famously being announced as L’Oreal’s first transgender model in September, she found herself in hot water after branding “all white people” racist in a Facebook post.
As a result of her controversial and sweeping statement, Bergdorf was removed from her position as the company’s “face of modern diversity” because her comments did not reflect their values. She went on to claim that her words were “taken out of context”.
“I don’t have the energy to talk about the racial violence of white people anymore. Yes, ALL white people,” she wrote. “Because most of ya’ll don’t even realize or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege, and success as a race is built on the backs, blood, and death of people of color.”
“Your entire existence is drenched in racism. From micro-aggressions to terrorism, you guys built the blueprint for this s***.”
Following Twitter’s ban on the leaders of the far-right group Britain First from using their website, Bergdorf was invited on the British daytime talk show Good Morning Britain to debate whether or not this decision represented a restriction on people’s freedom of speech.
Deputy leader of Britain First, Jayda Fransen, pictured above, was banned after she tweeted anti-Muslim videos that caused a worldwide storm last week when they were shared by President Trump – an act which was internationally condemned.
The President’s account, however, has not been deleted from the popular microblogging website as a result.
The post Piers Morgan Clashes With Trans Model Munroe Bergdorf After She Won’t Stop Using The “N-Word” On Live TV appeared first on Viral Thread.
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