25 Aug Pictures Of Game of Thrones’ Tormund Without His Beard Are Freaking Everyone Out
Game of Thrones is full of incredible characters, but none are as insanely charming as Tormund Giantsbane. His hair is the color of the rising sun, and he’s a total badass. However, in the latest episode of the hit show, Tormund revealed a softer side, and now pictures of him without a beard have gone viral online.
Tormund’s gloriously ginger beard is one of his defining characteristics, so it’s hard to imagine what he looks like without it. But it certainly accentuates his softer side…
Ever since Tormund and Brienne of Tarth met in season six, fans have speculated that Tormund’s got the hots for Big Brienne – the fearsome woman no other man has looked at twice. Admittedly, she did not appear amused by Tormund’s loving smile, but fans were hopeful that it meant exactly what they were thinking.
And it was! As Tormund treks through the treacherous land beyond the wall with Jon Snow and Co, he tells the Hound that f*cking is ”best” and the two have one of the most epic conversations in the show’s history, and the long-held fan theory that Tormund wants Brienne is finally confirmed.
”I have a beauty waiting for me back at Winterfell, if I ever get back there,” Tormund says. ”Yellow hair, blue eyes, tallest woman you’ve ever seen. Almost as tall as you.”
“Brienne of Tarth?” the Hound replies.
“You know her?”
“You’re with Brienne of fucking Tarth?”
“Well, not with her yet, but I see the way she looks at me”
“How does she look at you? Like she wants to carve you up and eat your liver?”
“You do know her!”
“I want to make babies with her. Think of them, great big monsters. They’d conquer the world.””
Now I don’t know about you, but I almost died when I heard this. Tormund is not just in love with Brienne, he is hoping that the will make giant monster babies together! But Tormund’s confession of his love for Brienne was not the only epic thing he revealed in this conversation. We also discovered that he had no idea what “di*k” meant. Fans of the show were so impressed by this scene that they’re now calling for a spinoff…
But onto more important matters. I promised you pictures of Tormund without a beard. Prepare to be blown away by the sheer handsomeness nestled beneath all those amazingly thick ginger hairs. Tormund, like Brienne, is a real beauty once you look beyond his fearsome exterior…
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