Photoshopped Pictures Of Kim Jong-Un Squatting Go Viral And They’re Too Good To Miss

Kim Jong-un has hit the headlines repeatedly in recent months. Usually, the sight of his name invokes a sense a dread, but on this rare occasion, the North Korean leader is here to, unintentionally, bring you some joy.

Earlier this week a bizarre photograph of the controversial dictator squatting emerged on Reddit. The peculiar composition left users on the site with little choice other than to commence with a photoshop battle…

The original…

Creative Redditor’s didn’t hold back with their designs, which feature scenes some viewers may find very disturbing…

1. Dancing queen

Unsurprisingly, a majority of the edits include Kim Jong-un’s bitter enemy, US President Donald Trump. The contempt the pair mutually hold for one another is no secret, but their private antics certainly are surprising to learn!

2. Queen Bey and Lil Kim

Kim Jong-un may have plans to ‘Run The World’, but the “diva” cannot resist getting into “Formation” for a provocative dance with Beyoncé.

3. Parental advisory!

Word on the street is that Kim Jong-Un’s mixtape is the bomb! The explosive record is guaranteed to blow you away!

The post Photoshopped Pictures Of Kim Jong-Un Squatting Go Viral And They’re Too Good To Miss appeared first on Viral Thread.

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