23 Jan People Reveal The Worst Things You Could Ever Do On A First Date
First dates are always at least a little nerve-wracking. Even if you’re super excited about who you’re meeting and hope for a relationship down the line, there’s always the worry that they won’t feel the same way about you.
Am I cool enough? Will she mind that I’m religious? What if he’s a cat person? There are just so many questions we all want to know on a first date but probably shouldn’t ask.
Then, of course, what if your date is terrible? You’ve either got to wait out each excruciating minute listening to her prattle on about strict veganism or wait for him to stop bragging about how much he can deadlift, or you can make up an excuse and make a mad dash for the exit.
If you’d prefer to give your date the best possible chance of working out, maybe you should take a look at the list below. Recently, the Reddit community was asked what the worst thing you could ever do on a date was and the people responded! Check out the best answers below:
1. Move Too Fast
“Getting way too emotionally invested in the first date. Not good to have sky-high expectations riding on how it goes; you’re pretty much guaranteed to be disappointed.” – Bootyshorts
2. Onesided Communication
“I used to have a friend who told me ‘she had a test’ for guys to see if they would get a chance at a second date. Naturally, I roll my eyes at the thought, but play along and ask what the test is. She says ‘At some point in the evening, the guy has to ask me a question.’
“‘What kind of question?’
“‘Any kind.’ (She told me that questions like ‘How are you?’ even counted)
“Apparently 70% of her dates were failing this test.” – Woolymuffler
3. Compliment Someone Only On Their Looks
“Repeatedly commenting on my appearance. I get it, we met online and you’re glad I look like my pics. I’m happy you didn’t catfish me, too! But please stop talking about my appearance in every other sentence. It makes you look insecure.” – madeofknives
4. Bring Up Your Ex… Again
“Talk about their past relationships/ex’s too much.” – liarslittlepretty
This next one we’re all a little guilty of doing…
The post People Reveal The Worst Things You Could Ever Do On A First Date appeared first on Viral Thread.
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