People Are Very Concerned About Jim Carrey After Yet Another Bizarre Interview

Jim Carrey is one of Hollywood’s best-loved and most celebrated actors. His first starring role in 1985’s Once Bitten was over three decades ago now and since then he has garnered a number of dedicated fans who love him for his undeniable comedic talent.

My favorite Jim Carrey movie is definitely Liar Liar. I absolutely loved the movie because as usual, Carrey played an imperfect buffoon who managed to get himself into very ludicrous situations. That’s the thing about Carrey – he’s insanely talented at playing ridiculous!

kimAs eccentric has he may be in his movies, you’d probably expect that in real life he’d, at least, be a reasonably more toned down version of the types of characters he tends to play. I know I definitely expected him to be one of those actors who played overly animated characters but was actually pretty reserved and tame in real life. However, recently it appears that that isn’t the case.

As you probably already know, during New York Fashion Week earlier this month, he was interviewed by E! presenter Catt Sadler and during the interview he ranted about icons in the fashion world and his lack of “belief” in them.

In fact, he described New York Fashion Week as “the most meaningless thing that I could come to.”

After Sadler explained that NYFW was an event which celebrated icons, Carrey responded: “Icons. Boy, that is just the absolute lowest-aiming possibility that we could come up with. It’s like, icons, do you believe in icons? I don’t believe in personalities.”

He continued: “I believe that peace lies beyond personality, beyond invention, and disguise, beyond the red S that you wear on your chest that makes bullets bounce off. I believe that it’s deeper than that. I believe we’re a field of energy dancing for itself, and erm… I don’t care.”

However, now another bizarre Jim Carrey interview has been making waves on the internet. Interestingly enough, in this very interview Carrey was asked to comment on the peculiar answers he gave during the interview with Sadler.

The post People Are Very Concerned About Jim Carrey After Yet Another Bizarre Interview appeared first on Viral Thread.

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