14 Jun Panel Moderator Tries to ‘Mansplain’ Physics to an Actual Physicist, Gets Shut Down By Audience Member
Although society still has a long way to go before we reach true gender equality, it’s fair to say that we’ve come a long way since the suffragette movements in the late-19th and early-20th centuries. In theory, women can reach achievements on a similar level to men, but in practice, that always isn’t possible. Societal change can some take a long time, and there are still some sad instances of misogyny in daily life.
One of the ways in which women can struggle in traditionally male-dominated workplaces is the phenomenon of “mansplaining”. No matter how skilled or experienced a professional is in her chosen field, there are some men who will often interrupt her, in order attempt to explain things to her she already knows in a patronising manner. Those men are, of course, way out of line, and at a panel held at the World Science Festival in New York, one mansplainer got exactly what was coming to him.
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