New Moms Share Hilarious Pictures Of Themselves After Birth To Prove That Kate Middleton Is Superhuman

Of course, we all know that Kate Middleton isn’t your average woman. She may have had a fairly modest upbringing, but the 36-year-old duchess is a far cry from ordinary.

But whilst we all know that she is an extraordinary human, it was still a surprise to see her step out of the hospital looking flawless mere hours after giving birth to her third child.

Here is the moment the world was waiting for…


The 36-year-old duchess looked picture perfect as she posed with the fifth-in-line to the British throne on the front steps of the Lindo Wing, a private maternity hospital at St. Mary’s Hospital, London.

Appearing seven hours after the birth of their third child – whose name is yet to be officially revealed – on April 23, both Prince William and Kate looked effortlessly serene and stylish.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that the brunette beauty has pulled off such a trick. She did it for the first time on July 22, 2013, when she successfully delivered Prince George after a difficult pregnancy which included acute morning sickness.

Then, on May 2, 2015, she did it again, appearing on the Lindo Wing’s front steps just 10 hours after giving birth to Princess Charlotte.

Of course, this speedy turn around is not common for most mothers. In fact, it is fairly unheard of. So much so that mothers around the world were quick to commend Kate for her impeccably polished appearance – before then comparing their own post-birth snaps.

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