12 Jul Netflix Have Announced The Air Date Of ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2
Stranger Things, one of the most successful, critically-acclaimed shows ever created by Netflix, is almost one year old. Pretty amazing to think that we’ve been waiting for so long for a second instalment, right? If you’re a big fan of the show, and have been eagerly anticipating the second season for the last 12 months, it’s pretty weird to look back and recall a time when characters like Eleven, Hopper, Barb and Dustin weren’t well-known and when phrases like “Demagorgon” and “The Upside-Down” weren’t common parlance.
It’s not hard to see why the show has done so well, considering that it’s drawn upon such classic influences. It’s like a perfect televisual feast, a cocktail consisting if an equal mix of Stephen King, Spielberg, John Carpenter and Twin Peaks, blended alongside a few twists and turns of its own.
Still, it seems like the show is here to stay now; and although most of the plot regarding Eleven’s origins, the secret experiments, and the nature of the other dimension were nicely resolved, there are still a few frayed threads of plot that haven’t been pulled yet, and many more questions that still need answering. For example: what really happened to Barb? What were those slug things that Will coughed up into the sink? And is Eleven really dead? Or is she just somewhere else?
I don’t know about you guys, but lately I’ve been feeling pretty dang impatient. I just wish the Duffer brothers would give us just a few scraps of information. Well, luckily for everyone it seems as though my prayers have been answered. Netfix, in their infinite benevolence, have just smiled upon us, and have revealed the release date of the second season with a short teaser that’s guaranteed to whet your appetite.
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