Mom’s Tough-Love Letter To Her Teenage Son Goes Viral For A Very Important Reason

Having no children of my own, I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to be a parent. In my eyes, it seems that there are few things more challenging than raising a child.

I make this assumption after thinking back to my own childhood, which was full of temper tantrums, unnecessary crying fits and several rather terrifying hospital trips where I baffled doctors with my bizarre injuries. Kids, who’d have them?!

You see them, time and time again, throwing brat attacks in supermarket aisles, dribbling on public transport, running like hooligans alongside a busy road and you wonder, what on Earth would possess someone to want one of those?

But the thing is, people do have children, some by the dozen. With this in mind, you’d have thought that raising a child would be easy, or at the very least come with an instruction manual.

Why is parenting so hard? This video explains everything you need to know and how to make it a little easier…


One parent who knows just how challenging it can be to be a mom is Heidi Johnson, who had to take the tough approach with her 13-year-old son after he announced that he didn’t need her anymore.

Of course, as children, we have all been in the position of telling our parents that we don’t need their support. We don’t mean it, but in the heat of the moment, it can seem like a very sensible thing to say.

Unsurprisingly, it’s a statement which can have severe consequences, which is something Heidi’s son learned the hard way. After telling his mom that he wanted to be more independent, Heidi decided to highlight to him just how much that would cost him in a letter…

“Dear Aaron,

Since you seem to have forgotten you are only 13, and I’m the parent, and that you won’t be controlled, I guess you will need a lesson in independence. Also, as you threw in my face that you are making money now, it will be easier to buy back all the items I bought for you in the past. If you would like your lamp/lightbulbs or access to the internet, you will need to pay your own share of costs.

Rent – $430
Electricity – $116
Internet – $21
Food – $150

Also, you will need to empty the trash Mon, Wed, and Friday, as well as sweep and vacuum those days. You will need to keep your bathroom clean weekly, prepare your own meals, and clean up after yourself. If you fail to do so, I will charge you a $30 maid fee for every day I have to do it. If you decide you’d rather be my child again, instead of roommate, we can renegotiate terms.

Love, Mom”

Pleased with her letter, Heidi posted it online where it quickly went viral, garnering thousands of likes from other exasperated parents. As the letter circulated around the world, Heidi felt the need to clarify things. In another post, she wrote:

“It’s out there; and I am not ashamed of what I wrote… I am not going to put my 13-year-old on the street if he can’t pay his half of the rent. I am not wanting him to pay anything. I want him to take pride in his home, his space, and appreciate the gifts and blessings we have.”

Many other parents supported her message…

However, not everyone was so admiring of Harriet’s letter.

Richard Copp, commented saying: “…great (fake) letter…and if the child can read the letter, get ready for a lesson in the law and how it’s not the minor’s responsibility to be an equal partner in the household…of course, if you’d like a lesson in responsibility, there are a number of family law [weasles]… er I mean, attorneys who could walk you through the process.”

Whereas Jhoi Vorachack shared his outdated and concerning views on parenting: A punch in the mouth would had worked quicker. Negotiating with your child seems to be a loss in my book. He would had came home to new locks on the door and his crap on the street.”

In the end, Aaron unsurprisingly decided that he didn’t mind being dependent on his mother after all. Funny how that works, isn’t it?!

The post Mom’s Tough-Love Letter To Her Teenage Son Goes Viral For A Very Important Reason appeared first on Viral Thread.

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