Mom Thinks Her Twins Are Watching ‘Frozen’, Then Realizes They’re Doing Something Else Entirely

Although being a parent must be one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, I’m sure it must get pretty draining at times, especially when you’re a parent to twins.

Well, after a particularly exhausting day with her young twins, one mother was in need of a little break – wherever and however she managed to find it.

But her toddlers, adorable as they are, just wouldn’t leave her in peace for just a few minutes.

So after a few moments spent thinking up ways to distract the little ones, their mom hatched a brilliant plan, and it had a little something to do with a certain beloved kids’ Disney movie called Frozen (perhaps you’ve heard of it?)

So the twins’ mom put Disney’s Frozen on the DVR so they could watch it for what must have been about the hundredth time. I mean, pretty much every kid (and adults too!) absolutely adore Frozen, so the plan was pretty full-proof, right?

And it worked like a charm – while mom was slowly growing bored of watching the same movie time after time, her toddlers were still very much enchanted by the family film.

All mom wanted was about an hour or so to herself and that’s what she got now that the kids were occupied. The movie started playing, mom was able to put her feet up and the kids were thoroughly entertained, or at least that’s what she thought.

It wasn’t long before she realized that it wasn’t really the movie that was doing the entertaining. Mom witnessed something that she’d never seen before, something that really tugged on her heartstrings.

Her twins weren’t really watching the movie like she thought they were – they were simply using as a platform to get creative. After having watched the movie so many times, the kids knew the film off by heart.

Watch the whole video here: [[jwplayerwidget||||nwqzFW7X]]

They were acting it out completely in sync with the scenes as they unfolded. And it’s the most adorable thing I’ve seen this year.

As she watched, mom knew she couldn’t let these gorgeous little moments go entirely unrecorded. So she pulled her phone out and started recording and the kids continued to mimic everything. So when the characters onscreen were giving each other a massage, the twins gave each other a massage.

One of the twins even used their hands to “magically” make a snowball like the character in the movie does. They knew the movie like the back of their hands – if mom had switched it off, they probably would continue acting out the scenes.

Check out this equally adorable clip featuring two newborn twins who cry whenever they are separated: [[jwplayerwidget||||UZpDKmoq]]

Like every other kid when it got to the ‘Let It Go’ song, they would most likely know where to go from there. It doesn’t matter if they’re basically still babies and can’t really talk let alone sing much, they would mimic it as best as possible.

Ultimately, the clip was shared on the Jordan twins YouTube channel and immediately went viral. More than 3,000 people from around the world have left comments on the video, gushing over the undeniable cuteness of the twins.

There were some of the best comments left on the video:

“So CUTE! Why did I have I not seen this before.”

“They may have seen the movie a 100 times, but they are pretty smart babies for trying to recreate everything in the movie, they might grow up to be geniuses.”

“Oh my gosh! They are so adorable. This is the reason why toddlers shouldn’t watch bad scenes from movies because they might copy it. Good thing, that these cute little twins are watching frozen.”


If you haven’t yet watched the viral clip, then what are you waiting for? Prepare for your heart to melt beyond repair…

The post Mom Thinks Her Twins Are Watching ‘Frozen’, Then Realizes They’re Doing Something Else Entirely appeared first on Viral Thread.

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