Mom Releases Powerful Photographs Of Herself Giving Birth To Stillborn Child

For many people, one of the greatest experiences of their lives is becoming a parent. It doesn’t matter whether it’s for the first time or the third, each pregnancy is different and it is a particularly special time for mothers, who get to feel their child growing in their womb.

Having a child, however, is not without its dangers, and one-in-three pregnancies end in a miscarriage during the first trimester.

The high risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy is the reason why many women refrain from announcing their happy news until they are more than three months along. While the risk of complications after this point is lower, it still exists and in some tragic cases, it can lead to stillbirths.

In fact, it’s been estimated that one in every 200 pregnancies will result in a child being born “asleep”, as this tragic event is often referred to.

Stillbirths can occur for a variety of reasons such as problems with the placenta, and, in some instances, there is no identifiable cause.

To shed light on the heartbreaking reality of having a stillborn baby, 33-year-old Sarah Jade has shared these photographs of her traumatic labor and birth of her son Aksel Jude. He died when she was 33 weeks pregnant after severe complications with his brain development.

When a baby dies so far along in a pregnancy, a woman must go through labor in the same way as she would with a healthy child.

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