01 Mar Men Reveal The Stereotypically “Girly” Things That They Secretly Love Doing
As feminism launches a full offensive on the world, we can easily forget that men also have it tough. Toxic masculinity means that men around the world are plagued by the belief that they should be ‘real men’ who don’t cry or show any emotion. In fact, it is often frowned upon in some social circles for men to enjoy anything remotely feminine.
“Real men” drink nothing but pints of beer whilst talking crudely about their past conquests in life. They have dirt under their fingernails, which they wash away with man products during a quick shower and they’d never ever consider wearing makeup, not even for a joke because ‘real men’ don’t go near that ‘girly stuff.’
As a woman myself, that expectation to live a ‘manly life’ seems exhausting. So it was nice to see men take to Reddit to discuss the stereotypically ‘girly’ exploits that they truly enjoy – even if they don’t openly tell people about it…
1. I feel pretty, oh so pretty
“Facemasks and moisturizing make me feel pretty. Also cocktails.” – @xcorinthianx
Thankfully men are now becoming brave enough to also talk about times they’ve been sexually harassed…
2. Justice for men!
3. Nailing life
“Manicure and a pedicure. Started going with my daughter so she didn’t have to go alone. I always ask if she needs one so I can go with.”– @NoClueDad
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