Meet The Real-Life Teenage Sleeping Beauty Who Sleeps For Up To 20 Hours A Day

Most of us love a good sleep. After a long day at work, there are few things more satisfying than getting comfy in your bed – in my case, preferably with a cup of hot chocolate – and waiting for Mr. Sandman to bring you a dream. But in rare cases, too much sleep can be a bad thing.

This is something which 16-year-old Emily Rowland from Georgia knows all too well. She suffers from severe epilepsy which causes her to have prolonged “staring spells”. These result in the teen sleeping for up to 20 hours a day and have had a detrimental effect on her life.

To discover how one girl suddenly began sleeping for days on end, check out the video below: 


Prior to her condition worsening, Emily loved to compete in beauty pageants, but this real-life sleeping beauty had to give them up because of her illness. An even more devastating effect of it, however, is the fact that it’s meant she hasn’t attended school in two and a half years.

The 16-year-old has been hospitalized on countless occasions too, and because of the risk of her dying in her sleep, hasn’t slept alone in eight years.

Emily’s mom Brandi is now her full-time carer and said that it’s “difficult to put into words” how scary the condition makes her daughter’s life.

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