Meet The First Woman With Down Syndrome To Compete In Miss USA State Pageant

It goes without saying that we are all born completely different, which is what helps this world turn round. Can you imagine how boring this planet would be if we were all exactly the same? Ew, no thanks.

One of the biggest differences between humans is their ability to learn and grow. For some, this comes easy but for others, it is more of a challenge, which requires extra support.

Learning disabilities affect 4.6 million school children in the US alone. But, while it is very easy to believe that these people are less capable of certain things, it is undeniable that as a society we tend to underestimate just what they can do.

As we all we know Down’s Syndrome is a fairly common genetic condition which leads to the development of learning disabilities. It affects approximately one in every 700 babies born in the US, meaning it is one of society’s most recognized disabilities.

However, Down’s Syndrome doesn’t mean that you cannot learn basic skills like reading and writing or attend an ordinary public school. In fact, those with the condition should be encouraged to develop their talents and skills in order to live their lives to their full potential.

And as a society, we certainly shouldn’t be excluding people with disabilities from pursuing their dreams.

In fact, a 22-year-old woman with Down’s Syndrome has now become the first person with the condition to compete in a Miss USA State Pageant. “I’m really good at them because it’s my passion,” she gleefully told reporters. And it is this very passion and drive that will make her go far in life.

Her name is Mikayla Holmgren, she is the from Stillwater, Minnesota and she officially became a Miss USA State Pageant contestant on the weekend.

Mikayla is certainly no newcomer to the world of backcombed hair and fancy tiaras. In fact, she has already competed in junior pageants and was even crowned Miss Minnesota Junior Miss Amazing back in 2015.

“I was super shocked, I was in tears,”, she told BuzzFeed News on Sunday night. “I went from a special needs pageant to the biggest pageant in the world. It’s kind of crazy.”

“It is a lot of work,” she explained. “My mom and I were always shopping and then the mock interviews and getting ready and practicing everything and the makeup and hair. Just look at my face!”

Mikayla is a true inspiration to people with disabilities; she pursues her dreams and doesn’t let anything or anybody stand in the way of her passions.

While Kalie Wright ended up winning the competition, Mikayla was nevertheless presented with two awards: the Spirit of Miss USA award and the Director’s Award. So, well done to her and everyone else who entered the competition!

Watch this video to see the stunning trailblazer at work


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