22 Oct Man With UK’s Smallest Penis Has Landed The Perfect Job
There’s nothing wrong with a little prick!
At least that what Ant Smith, the man with the UK’s smallest penis wants you to know. However, the slogan is not Smith’s creation, but is actually part of clever blood testing company Thriva’s new campaign.
Thriva has hired Smith, the author of The Small Penis Bible, to be the new face of the company, which is the world’s first preventative health service that allows clients to proactively receive blood testing. People can then send those tests for analysis without ever having to leave their own homes. They are hoping the cheeky word play in their new campaign will attract attention, and so far it seems to be working!
Smith, who is known for his famously small penis, which he has nicknamed “Shorty”, now has his photograph plastered across London billboards. The purpose? Helping to spread the message that anyone can check their blood with a home blood test kit and keep track of their health with just “a little prick”.
With a finger prick blood test, Thriva allows clients to measure vitamin deficiencies, cholesterol, and liver function, and is analyzed by accredited labs. Smith believes his involvement is a good way to spread the message of the importance of preventative health. He believes what counts is “what’s on the inside of the body, not just the outside.”
“It’s something some people are scared of addressing, even if all it takes is a small prick.”
Smith’s claim to fame is his 3.5 inch micro penis. He is a performance poet from Barking, East London, and first received attention for his manhood when he performed a poem revealing its size. He says that since the performance, many men have confided in him that they, too, have the same issue, but have been afraid to speak about it.
Smith, now 50, said he spent thirty years of his life worried about the size of his penis.
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