Man Transforms His Backyard Into Amazing Japanese Inspired Sanctuary 

When you live in a house with a backyard, it can be really easy to phone it in when it comes to making it look nice. The front yard is the first thing visitors or neighbours will see when they walk by your home, so it makes sense to trim the hedges, mow the lawn, and adorn it with cool stones, colourful flamingos or even weird gnomes, if you’re feeling creative.

With your backyard mostly obscured from public scrutiny it can be easy to go through the motions; mowing regularly but leaving it otherwise undecorated, possibly grumbling some excuse about the kids needing space to play. 77-year-old Don Knight has never been one of those backyard squanderers, but after falling in love with Japanese culture, he spent thousands of pounds and countless man hours turning his back gardens into a beautiful Japanese-style sanctuary.

The post Man Transforms His Backyard Into Amazing Japanese Inspired Sanctuary  appeared first on Viral Thread.

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