24 Nov Makeup Artist Creates Jaw-Dropping Wonder Woman Costume Using Duct Tape And A Yoga Mat
Gal Gadot impressed millions of people in one of the most highly anticipated movies of 2017, Wonder Woman. Her portrayal of the iconic superhero was fearless, charming and funny, and she has subsequently become a role model to many across the globe.
Now, one of her fans has decided to pay tribute to her hero in the most epic way possible.
Twenty-two-year-old Rhylee Passfield from Brisbane, Australia, adored Gal Gadot’s portrayal of the fictional female superhero. In fact, she has proven herself to be quite the impressive artist, and she’s created an epic Wonder Woman costume using very few materials.
Who is this artistic genius you ask? Well, she is a freelance makeup artist and children’s entertainer who is a big fan of the new Wonder Woman movie. So, naturally, she decided to pay homage to her favorite superhero with her latest work of art.
From a very young age, Rhylee has shown a deep passion for arts and crafts, but this time she has taken it one step further, and it all started with a $6 yoga mat and a roll of duct tape. Prepare to be amazed at the costume’s humble beginnings.
“I have been painting and drawing since I was three years old, and I am always wanting to branch out into more areas with my artistic abilities,” Rhylee revealed in an interview with the Daily Mail Australia.
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