Khloe Kardashian Has Been Mom-Shamed For Something Plenty Of Other Moms Have Done

It seems that as soon as someone announces they’re pregnant, everyone has an opinion on how to raise the baby. Other moms will give all sorts of conflicting advice on the best ways to do everything from breastfeeding to discipline to naps and even playtime simply because it worked for them.

However, not every baby is the same and what worked for one mom may not work for another. Not only that, but it’s a bit rude to tell another mother exactly how to raise their child. Every parenting style is different, and as long as a child is healthy and happy, then there shouldn’t be a problem.

Yet, everyone still seems to have an opinion on what is and isn’t appropriate to do with a baby. This is even truer for celebrities, and not only will people tell them things in person, but the whole world seems to hop on social media to criticize celebrity mothers.

Case in point, Khloe Kardashian’s baby girl, True Thompson, is only two months old, and yet Khloe has been criticized for everything from taking her daughter on an airplane to not breastfeeding. And now the internet has gotten super judgemental about something else that plenty of other moms have done.

On Wednesday, Khloe uploaded a new Instagram story, which you can watch below. It was footage of eight-week-old True, but if you look closely, you’ll notice something new about her…


It seems that baby True has gotten her ears pierced and the internet is not happy about it. It appears that True has a tiny diamond stud in each ear, but many are wondering why a mother would put such a young baby through that kind of pain.

After all, a baby doesn’t care about what it looks like. Not only that, but earrings can be easily infected. Even older children have higher rates of infection due to touching and pulling at the studs. What’s to prevent True from pulling hers out?

It certainly does seem like an unnecessary thing to do, but then again the Kardashians make their money by looking a certain way and it seems they are starting the youngest members off early. A few commenters on Twitter agree.

One wrote, “Of course @khloekardashian pierced True’s ears that whole entire family only care about how they look! I mean I’m surprised none of them have put makeup on their babies yet.”

Another commented, “@khloekardashian I just saw a very cute pic of True with her father. It looked like she has pierced ears. Does she? I have a hard time believing you would put her through that pain even for a little while. No mother should do that… Right??”

However, Today reported that the American Academy of Pediatrics says that it’s totally okay to pierce a child’s ears so long as the piercing “is performed carefully and cared for conscientiously.” I guess it’s up to Khloe to ensure True’s earrings are kept infection-free.

So, despite what the internet might think, it seems the verdict is out on the appropriate age to have one’s ears pierced.

The post Khloe Kardashian Has Been Mom-Shamed For Something Plenty Of Other Moms Have Done appeared first on Viral Thread.

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