KFC Only Follow 11 People On Twitter And The Reason Why Is Pure Genius

The world is full of mystery; from the seven wonders of the world to the 11 herbs and spices used by KFC in their classic chicken recipe. Will we ever know the truth about them?

Whilst we may never know if aliens really did build the pyramids, mankind may just be one step closer to learning the secret behind KFC’s famous flavors after one keen-eyed Twitter user made a surprising discovery.

In July 1940, the infamous Colonel Sanders finalized what is now known as the “Original Recipe”, which consists of 11 herbs and spices. The recipe has never been made public, but Sanders did allude that the ingredients “stand on everybody’s shelf.”

Two of the components were confirmed as a simple blend of salt and pepper, whilst the other nine have remained a tight-lipped secret. Until now…

Twitter user, Mike Edgette managed to break the code to KFC’s ingredients in a way that makes The Da Vinci Code look tame. “KFC follows 11 people,” he tactically typed. “Those 11 people? 5 Spice Girls and 6 guys named Herb. 11 Herbs & Spices. I need time to process this.”

Instantly this revelation went viral online as the bombshell ricocheted around each corner of the globe. With over 300,000 likes, it would appear that Edgette was the first to make the pioneering discovery. The Christopher Columbus of Twitter, if you will.

Users flocked to KFC’s Twitter page to see if he was telling the truth. He was. KFC, true to brand, do indeed only follow the five Spice Girls along with six men named Herb.

The post KFC Only Follow 11 People On Twitter And The Reason Why Is Pure Genius appeared first on Viral Thread.

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