Kendall Jenner Has Sparked A Very Unusual Plastic Surgery Trend Amongst Women

Boobs really are what make the world go around. It doesn’t matter if you’re not into the ladies or have a pair yourself, since the dawn of time they’ve been giving us humans sustenance, and now a woman’s breasticles are less about their biological function, they’ve basically become a fleshy fashion accessory – and in 2018, big isn’t necessarily better.

For ladies on the smaller side like me, this is a huge relief. Back when I was growing up in the noughties, I was more than a little disappointed when Mother Nature didn’t bestow on me a pair of double Ds – even though she did give more than enough boob for my petite frame. But, like everything in the fashion world, trends change, and now it’s all about the nipple.

Thanks to celebrities, the ideal boobage in 2018 has been modeled on the second youngest member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, Kendall. Unlike her more voluptuous sisters, the renowned model has a pair relatively small bust, and upon them is a fantastic set of nipples. Oh, and since she is on the smaller size in the chest department, Kendall has pretty much stopped wearing a bra – so catching a glimpse of them online is quite easy for anyone to do.

She’s now one of many female celebrities who has joined the #FreeTheNipple movement, reminding people around the world that female nipples shouldn’t automatically be sexualized and should be treated like a body part just like any other.

Speaking about her love of displaying her nipples, the 22-year-old model said in an October 2016 interview with W Magazine, “I love my t*ts being out.” She then added, “It’s like one of my things, I guess.”

Kendall, therefore, has no qualms about sharing snaps of her nips with her 93.2 million followers on Instagram, but because of the photosharing app’s policy on the open display of female nipples, she frequently has to cover them with emojis.

She also opened up on her blog about her love of going braless in 2016, writing, “I really don’t see what the big deal is with going braless! I think it’s cool and I really just don’t care! It’s sexy, it’s comfortable and I’m cool with my breasts. That’s it!”

And, like each of the other members of the 22-year-old’s famous family, she has had a huge influence on her colossal social media following, inspiring a plastic surgery trend for what have been dubbed “designer nipples”.

Because just like breasts, nipples come in all different shapes and sizes. Some women, for example, will develop a naturally pointy one and another that’s inverted – and while there are surgeries available to correct this, designer nipples have nothing to do with correcting Mother Nature’s little mishaps. Oh no. They are about satisfying those who want to have their nips protrude more under their clothes – a look which Kendall has pretty much become synonymous with.

To discover more about the designer nipple trend from its creator, check out the video below:


In an interview with the New York Post, a 28-year-old woman who had opted to go under the knife for designer nipples said that she had chosen the procedure because “I think there’s something really sexy and feminine about it.”

“[Our patients] see these celebrities wearing these sheer dresses, and they would like to emulate and mimic that type of clothing, and they want their nipples and the areola to be presentable,” Dr. Rowe, the man who coined the term “designer nipples”, explained.

According to Dr. Rowe, there are a number of ways of achieving the Kendall Jenner look – ranging from injecting botox into the nipple to having cosmetic work done on the areola, which can be made smaller or larger, darker or lighter.

Here, women discuss the pros and cons of this new plastic surgery trend:


The procedure itself is reasonably priced compared to breast augmentation and Dr. Rowe’s prices start at $700.

Dr. Rowe revealed to the Post that if a woman opts for botox injections, she can typically expect to enjoy her designer nipples for two years. “A lot of our patients want that high beam or headlight look,” he said, “and [with] the advances we’re making every day, it is possible to have perfection.”

However, designer nipples have caused controversy on social media, with Facebook user Kate Fried writing, “I see the evil geniuses in the beauty industrial complex have found yet another body part for women to feel bad about.”

But other social media users pointed out the advantages which the procedure could offer to women with inverted nipples.

“Some woman have inverted nipples and may be interested in something like this, for themselves.. not necessarily for anyone else or because they feel bad or embarrassed but simply because they may want to feel like they actually have a nipple,” wrote Natalie Woodworth.

And giving voice to women’s bodily autonomy, James Edward, a true feminist, wrote, “[If] women want to get nipple fillers it is their prerogative don’t conflate wanting to look good with ambitions/achievements.”

So what do you think of this trend? Personally, I’m down for anything that makes people feel more comfortable in their own skin, and unlike breast augmentation, if a woman opts for botox injections, she’ll have the option to let her peep-hole pals revert back to their natural state – or, y’know, jump on whatever plastic surgery trend is hot in 2020!

The post Kendall Jenner Has Sparked A Very Unusual Plastic Surgery Trend Amongst Women appeared first on Viral Thread.

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