23 Jun Keeping Up with The Kardashians Aired 10 Years Ago, And The World Has Never Been The Same Since
It’s weird to think that people who are about to be teenagers won’t be able to remember a time when the Kardashians weren’t in the public eye. But when I think about it myself I realise that I can’t truly recall a time when they weren’t so insidiously there.
Wherever you turn, chances are you’ll see or hear something about America’s most infamous family. Switch on the TV and you could be confronted with an episode from one of the 13 seasons of the hit E! show. Forget hearing about world events, Kim Kardashian and her family’s exploits often make front page news from as little as Kim posting a selfie of her famous behind.
It’s no exaggeration to say that the Kardashians have forever changed the face of the entertainment industry, but it is more than that; they have had a profound effect on popular culture and a number of money-making industries including, beauty, health and fitness and lifestyle. Kim Kardashian helped spark a change in how the female form was viewed, before public figures like her, the waif-thin “heroin-chic” look was in vogue but her open acceptance of her figure demonstrated that other body types could be desirable too.
And it doesn’t stop there. So as an ode to the famous Klan let’s take a look at exactly how they’ve managed to impact our lives so much…
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