Johnny Depp’s Latest Appearance Leaves Fans Concerned For His Health

In recent years Johnny Depp has raised plenty of eyebrows because of his unusual behavior. He’s been accused of being drunk at the Murder on the Orient Express Premiere, and fans questioned if he was high on a recent appearance on The Graham Norton Show. 

It’s no secret he’s had some personal difficulties as of late, having recently gone through a divorce from his ex-wife Amber Heard after he was accused of physically assaulting her. She currently has a restraining order against him for abuse that allegedly took place in 2016.

It seems Depp has been lying low, but he recently resurfaced in Russia to play a gig with his rock band, Hollywood Vampires. The Pirates of the Caribbean star posed for pictures with fans in the Seasons Hotel Lion Palace in St. ­Petersburg, but fans were left puzzled and concerned by his appearance.

If you’d like to get a glimpse of Depp for yourself, check out this fan-captured footage from his visit to Moscow:


Fans also questioned whether or not Depp was ill when he took the stage that night, playing his guitar alongside music legends Alice Cooper and Joe Perry. While Depp had a typical rockstar style, with slick hair, chains, and tattoos, it was his gaunt, pale appearance that had people worried.

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