Jim Carrey Has Shaved Off His Beard And Now Looks 20 Years Younger

When men in Hollywood grow facial hair, they are instantly guaranteed to be ranked higher on any ‘Hot Lists’. Just ask Chris Hemsworth and Ryan Reynolds. However, when Jim Carrey experimented with wiry, grey beard, people were horrified. The 55-year-old comedic actor no longer needed to use jokes to have people laughing at him – his beard effortlessly did it for him.

Fans couldn’t understand why the actor was growing it to such extreme lengths to change his looks. Was he preparing to audition as Santa Claus? Or, was he subtly trying to announce that he was resigning from the film industry? It certainly caused a large scale debate. But, Carrey further shocked fans this week by shaving it off entirely! Underneath all the fuzz, Carrey is barely recognizable…

When Carrey appeared on Jimmy Kimmel earlier this year, his beard took center stage, resulting in Carrey declaring:

“Everywhere I go, people talk about the beard. They can’t really think about anything else. Wherever I show up, it becomes this story. It’s a bigger star than me. It has its own Twitter.”

The beard certainly did garner a lot of attention, but, so has Carrey’s private life. The Dumb & Dumber star found himself embroiled in a high-profile court case after his 30-year-old girlfriend, Cathriona White took her own life in 2015.

Carrey is currently being sued by White’s family, who accuse the actor of supplying her the drugs which she used to commit suicide. Carrey and White had separated in the days before her death, and Carrey had text her just days before her death to enquire about a missing bottle of prescription pills.

An investigation into White’s death, which was ruled a suicide, found an empty prescription pill bottle by her bed with Carrey’s pseudonym, ‘Arthur King’, on the bottle.

The trial is set to commence next year. Meanwhile, Carrey and his lawyers refuse to admit any wrongdoing. After the hearing into wrongful death, Carrey’s lawyer, Raymond Boucher, said: “Mr Carrey loved Ms White dearly and so obviously it will be a very painful process for him.”

While the lawsuit has been ongoing, Carrey has been barely visible in Hollywood. The larger than life actor, has featured in very few films and made even fewer public appearances. However, that is changing with the release of Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond – The Story of Jim Carrey & Andy Kaufman Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton. Yes, that is the whole title!

So, to reintroduce him to the world, Carrey sported a new look when attending the 74th Venice International Film Festival…

The post Jim Carrey Has Shaved Off His Beard And Now Looks 20 Years Younger appeared first on Viral Thread.

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