18 Aug Jennifer Aniston’s Reaction To “Nipplegate” On ‘Friends’ Is Everything
Friends may be over two decades old, but that hasn’t stopped us millennials from continuously watching reruns of it. The hit show’s without doubt one of the most renowned and best-loved TV series on Earth. It’s so compelling because each of the six main characters brings a different, comical personality to the table. And let’s not forget recurring characters like the pathetically lovestruck Gunther and the never-seen – but frequently talked about – “ugly naked guy” either.
As far as the female characters on the show go, Rachel garnered the most interest. She was the pretty runaway bride from the pilot episode who grew enormously throughout the series’ 10-year run, transforming from a godawful barista into an impressive career woman with her own assistant!
But there was always something else we noticed about Miss Rachel Green…
No matter what Rachel wore on the show, her nipples somehow always managed to make an appearance. None of us had any idea whether or not this was intentional. Were the producers carving the actress out to be the show’s heartthrob from the outset? Was it like Saved By The Bell‘s Kelly Kapowski being scripted to wear her skimpy cheerleading outfits at every given opportunity? Nipplegate started very early in the show’s history. Here’s Rachel in season one…
A little later in the series, Rachel was still baring her nipples. In fact, they were starting to get far more pronounced. Surely it couldn’t have been unintentional?!
Rachel is conveying so much emotion in the next still from one of the later episodes, but sadly all viewers could focus on was her perfectly pronounced nipples…
I think we were all struggling to work out why they were so visible, but her nipples were certainly are on point!
Jennifer Aniston has finally spoken out about this obsession with her nipples. But before we get to that, let’s read some of the best Tweets about nipplegate…
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