James Corden And Adam Levine Got Pulled Over By Police During Carpool Karaoke

James Corden has certainly gained in popularity ever since he took over The Late Late Show from Craig Ferguson in 2015. A main staple of the show since he began hosting has been the popular segment Carpool Karaoke.

Corden drives around town with a celebrity singer, belting out the best tunes from that musician’s repertoire. It’s basically what we all do when we’re in a car, except with famous people.

Recently, he had Adam Levine from Maroon 5 and The Voice fame in the passenger seat, but things didn’t quite go as expected.

For the first time in the history of Carpool Karaoke, Corden’s car was pulled over by the police.

The whole thing went down in the middle of a rendition of Levine’s hit ‘She Will Be Loved’. Perhaps all the loud singing and dancing behind the wheel was cause for concern?


While the sheriff in the cop car did tell the pair to “be careful”, he also seemed more interested in hearing Levine sing. “We’re going to pull you over so he can sing a song,” the officer says as Corden rolls down his window.

“You want us to pull over so he can sing a song for you?” Corden laughs, to which the officer replies, “Yes, because you’re causing a traffic hazard.”

Corden genuinely seems nervous but Levine keeps his constant cool throughout the whole thing, which ends without anyone ever being issued so much as a formal warning.

You can watch the hilarious clip for yourself below:


Aside from Levine, Cordon has also had the likes of Michelle Obama, Adele, The Foo Fighters, Elton John, Lady Gaga and The Red Hot Chili Peppers participate in Carpool Karaoke. However, Corden recently revealed which celebrity refused to get int he car with him.

“For the anniversary of Back to the Future, we were going to do a sort of ‘Best of the ’80s Carpool Karaoke’ in a DeLorean. We had booked Bryan Adams to come and do the thing. We were very exciting. I love Bryan Adams. He’s got hits for days – he’s terrific,” Corden explained.

“[He] walked in, seen the list of other people that have done it, turned around, got in his car and left… He just bolted, he was goneI kind of understand it,” he added.

Personally, I think Byran Adams was missing out!

The post James Corden And Adam Levine Got Pulled Over By Police During Carpool Karaoke appeared first on Viral Thread.

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