09 Oct Husband Watches Wife Fall 4000ft In Parachute Accident, Then Cops Uncover Murder Plot.
When Victoria Cilliers, an experienced skydiver, jumped from a plane in 2015, her life changed forever. After her parachute malfunctioned and her reserve failed, she started plummeting towards the Earth to meet an almost certain death. However, she miraculously survived the fall from 4,000ft. Those that witnessed the incident were horrified, but nobody was more surprised than her husband, Emile Cilliers.
Cilliers, a British Army sergeant who had married Victoria in a lavish ceremony in his native South Africa in 2011, appeared appalled by the events. But as the police began to investigate the freak “accident”, they discovered that Cilliers grief was less than genuine.
In fact, investigators began to believe that Cilliers devastation may be linked to the fact that Victoria survived the incident…
It was clear to all who witnessed the fall that Victoria’s parachute had been tampered with. “Those at the scene immediately realized that something was seriously wrong with her reserve parachute,” explained prosecutor, Michael Bowes: “Two vital pieces of equipment which fasten the parachute to the parachutist’s harness were missing. Their absence meant the reserve parachute would fail and send her spinning to the ground.”
Evidently, the kit had been tampered with. But, investigators were finding it difficult to find anyone with a motive. Until, they began to dig deeper into Victoria’s relationship with her husband.
Investigators discovered that along with the tampered parachute, there had been a deliberate gas leak at the Cillier’s property shortly before. A gas valve in the kitchen had been purposefully manipulated to leak the lethal substance throughout the house. Coincidentally, this leak had occurred at the same time that her husband had moved out of the house to live elsewhere.
After discovering the leak and the damaged gas valve, Victoria text her husband to enquire if he was responsible. Jokingly, she even said, “Are you trying to kill me?”. Little did she know what was to happen next…
A few days later, with her husband’s encouragement, Victoria went skydiving. Emile Cilliers collected the parachute for his wife during the afternoon, where it is alleged he then took it to the men’s toilet at the base, which is where it is claimed he tampered with it. However, Victoria wouldn’t jump that afternoon due to extremely poor weather.
“Now, of course, there was a dilemma, what was he going to do with the rig because having tampered with it he had a problem, he couldn’t put it back in the store,” explained Bowes to the court, before going on to claim that Emile went against protocol by arranging for the parachute to be kept in his wife’s locker overnight.
The following day, quite out of character, Emile monitored the weather. It was the perfect day for a jump, so Victoria left to complete the “hop and pop” jump. But this was when disaster struck.
Victoria fell 4,000ft to the ground, but managed to survive only sustaining broken ribs, a broken collarbone, a broken leg and spinal injuries which saw her spend three weeks in hospital.
The bizarre circumstances left investigators stunned. They suspected foul play by Cilliers, but discovering a motive was the next challenge.
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