How Often You Should Be Washing Your Towels, According to Science

Everyone has had that thought, whether it be about towels, sheets, or shirts, where you wonder: “Am I a gross person if I go one more day without washing this?” Apart from the clean freaks among us, we’re all just trying to get by, doing the minimum acceptable amount of washing to prevent romantic interests from thinking we’re animals. Unfortunately, when it comes to certain things, what is generally accepted as an appropriate amount of cleaning may actually be way less than it should be.

For towels, I would say a fairly standard amount of time skipped between washes for the average Joe is probably about a week. Of course, this varies greatly. Some may have read that and thought, ‘Only one week? That’s disgusting!’, while others may have thought, ‘One week? What kind of psycho has time to wash their towels that often?’. But alas, our opinions on towel-washing-frequency are likely much less valuable than those of microbiologist Philip Tierno of the New York University School of Medicine, who says that once a week is definitely not enough.

So, the answer to the “am I gross?” question, according to a literal scientist, is yes. Yes, you are gross… and he’s got legitimate evidence to prove just how often you should be washing your towels. Buckle in, because this is going to be upsetting.

The post How Often You Should Be Washing Your Towels, According to Science appeared first on Viral Thread.

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