How Many Of These Worldwide Renowned Photographs Did You Know Were Actually Fake?

Photographs go viral every day. Thanks to social media, photos can be easily shared with thousands of people, even if they’re first posted by people with an otherwise unimpressive social medial presence. Just one photo can get them all the clicks and recognition needed to officially go viral!

With tools like Photoshop, it’s incredibly easy to create a photo of something awe-inspiring to attract likes, shares and online brownie points. Sometimes, however, photos that we thought were genuine turn out to be completely fake. These are some of the most infamous photoshopped sensations…

1. This man was hailed a hero for “narrowly escaping death by shark”. Except there was no shark…

2. Contrary to what the photo suggests, Einstein was not riding a bike in Nevada during this explosion…

3. 2014 was a much simpler time when the Twitter believed in the existence of blue watermelons… 

4. You’ll find Ireland’s Castle Island in Dublin. Only you won’t. And you won’t find it anywhere else either…

Fake photos are all over the Internet, but most of us will go our whole lives thinking that they’re real! Scroll down to be schooled on the world’s most famous fake photos…

The post How Many Of These Worldwide Renowned Photographs Did You Know Were Actually Fake? appeared first on Viral Thread.

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